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Genes and Development Group
Department of Biomedical Sciences,
University of Edinburgh,
Hugh Robson Building,
George Square,
Edinburgh EH8 9XD
Tel/Fax   0131 650 3714

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< Diane Ternent and Sutherland Maciver on Arthur's seat, looking south, Edinburgh

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E-mail   smaciver@staffmail.ed.ac.uk

Our lab is interested in the actin based cytoskeleton and how it produces cell motility.   A major project is based on the production of antibacterial agent using amoeba as a source (see Amoebics Ltd).  We are a small and highly unfocussed group!

Frog1.jpg (45999 bytes) Botbutt.gif (1055 bytes)  ADF/Cofilins
  Actin & Actin Binding Proteins
  The Encyclopaedia of Actin-Binding Proteins.
Botbutt.gif (1055 bytes)  Amoebics Ltd. - Novel anti-bacterial strategies
Botbutt.gif (1055 bytes)  Teaching
  The Amoebae

These pages are maintained by Sutherland Maciver  smaciver@staffmail.ed.ac.uk  No animals were harmed in the making of this site!