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The Encyclopaedia of Actin-Binding Proteins (and Drugs)     

Depending on one's exact definition, there are a between 60 and 100 different types of Actin-Binding Proteins (see Dos Remedios et al, 2003 for a recent review).  "The Encyclopaedia of Actin-Binding Proteins (and drugs)" is a  non-exclusive A to Z of actin-binding proteins and has been compiled in an attempt to bring create some semblance of order to the rapidly increasing list.  If your favourite is not here, or if you find a mistake, please send references, reprints, abuse or comments to me at smaciver@staffmail.ed.ac.uk and I will endeavour to include/rectify them in the next update. 

Select the first letter of the ABP from the list below.  If the ABP's name begins with a number (i.e. 30Kb protein from Dictyostelium), see "Numbers".

Actin Binding Proteins A-Z


An index of ABP and cytoskeletal related topics A-Z

Dos Remedios, C. G., Chhabra, D., Kekic, M., Dedova, I. V., Tsubakihara, M., Berry, D. A. & Noseworthy, N. J. (2003) Actin binding proteins: regulation of cytoskeletal microfilaments, Physiol.Rev. 83, 433-473.


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