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Maciver Lab People                  


Sutherland Maciver graduated in Cell Biology from the University of Glasgow, Scotland   in 1983.  During this time he became interested in cell locomotion and behaviour thanks to Dr John Lackie and Prof. Adam Curtis.  This interest was developed whilst studying for a Ph.D with Dr Conrad King at University College, London, England. First postdoctoral research position was with Prof. Thomas Pollard (1987-1991) at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore USA.  In 1991 he joined Dr Alan Weeds at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology at Cambridge, England.  He was appointed lecturer in Biochemistry at The University of Edinburgh, Scotland in 1995 and Director of "Amoebics Ltd", a biotechnology company, in 1998.  He has been told repeatedly that he no longer looks as young as he appears in this picture!

              Publications       E-mail   smaciver@staffmail.ed.ac.uk

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Diane Ternent graduated in Biological Science from the University of Paisley, Scotland  in 1990.   She spent a year at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford, England, working as a lab technician before moving to the Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology at Edinburgh University.  Diane joined the Department of Biomedical Sciences in 199


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Ravine Gungabissoon gone but not forgotten.





Vasilia Sapountzi  finished the National Capodistrian University of Athens in 1999 and is currently working as a postgraduate student on actin binding proteins. She is hoping to finish her PhD in 2003 and that her thesis will be awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry and /or Medicine and Literature in 2004.  A golden medal at Athens 2004 Olympics wouldn't be bad, either. 



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